Monday, August 05, 2019

The most effective gun control laws are not weapons bans, study says

Gun control is more than banning certain types of weapons. State and local laws affecting who can purchase and carry firearms may, in fact, be more effective than banning the sale and possession of automatic or semi-automatic weapons. That's the conclusion of a new study by researchers at Boston University that examined state gun laws in an effort to determine the impact of those laws, either singly or in conjunction with other laws, in lowering the rate of homicides and suicides in the state.
The study analyzed 10 different state firearms laws over a 26-year period and found three that, when enforced in conjunction with one another, reduced the rate of homicides and suicides by more than a third. Neither banning assault weapons nor banning high-capacity magazines shows any statistical significance in reducing firearm-related homicide rates, according to the study. Atlantic Media's Citylab in a report on the study notes that there were more than 350,000 homicides committed in the United States during the study period. The homicide rate ranges from a low of 1.4 per 100,000 population in New Hampshire, which is one of the most peaceful states in the country, to a high of 12.7 per 100,000 in Louisiana. Adjusted for age, the homicide rate was 0.7 per 100,000 in New Hampshire and 9.8 per 100,000 in Louisiana, the most violent state in America. The study found no statistical significance related to an age requirement of 21 in order to purchase a handgun. The three most effective state laws in reducing homicide rates were universal background checks, prohibiting people who have committed a violent offense from owning a handgun and "may-issue" as opposed to "shall-issue" concealed-carry permits. A may-issue permit is granted at the discretion of the police, while a shall-issue one allows no discretionary judgment provided the permit seeker is not disqualified on some other ground. Of the 10 state laws reviewed, prohibiting handgun purchases for violent offenders reduced the homicide rate by 18%. Universal background checks, by themselves, reduced the rate by 15%, and may-issue concealed-carry laws reduced the rate by 10%. States where all three laws were enforced had a 36% lower homicide rate. States in which two of the three were enforced had a 13% lower rate, and in states where any one of the three was enforced the rate was 6% lower...MORE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Left rants and raves about gun control and the lives that are lost due to idiots firing guns at people. But the Left never say a thing about the greatest homicide committed in the USA each year. In 2017 there were over 825,000 abortions and that does not include three states which do not report abortions. Those states are the home of the Left. So when you see fake news articles and hear know nothing politicians remember these facts: 825,000 abortions in 2017 in this country and not a single gun was fired. And who committed these horrific acts? Women, not crazed men. Women killing the unborn because of their selfish reasons, making the unborn pay for their hubris. The Left will say that abortions cross the line of politics, but it is proclaimed by one political party and that is the Democrat Left. It is not apples compared to oranges! It is the killing of the innocents .