Sunday, October 27, 2019

Baxter Black: “Climate Change” Cowboy Logic

The sea level is rising. We are in an “interglacial period” within the Pleistocene Ice Age, according to the learned. It has been melting ice for the last ten thousand years. So, we miniscule Earthlings are fighting an uphill battle.

To put it in perspective, most of us are not worrying about the inexorable melting of icebergs for the next 100, 1000, or 10,000 years. That’s not necessarily good, it’s just the truth.

The majority of meteorologists agree the sea is rising. They don’t all agree on the cause or how to stop it. Rather than stupefy you with statistics of the greenhouse gasses, their source and who’s to blame, let us examine the future: In the last 21-odd years the sea level has risen an average of 1/8 inch per year, which is above the 19th century average. Based on this, from 2020 to 2028, it will rise 1 inch, by 2036 it will have risen 2 inches, etc., until by 2108 it will reach one foot in 4 generations.

We agree we can’t stop it. We will continue to eat meat and potatoes, pork and rice, taco and beans worldwide. We will keep building cities, roads, cars, airlines, air conditioners, MRI machines, heaters, the internet, telephones and life-giving/energy-consuming sources created by man.

As the years pass, our human ingenuity will build cleaner machinery, our descendants will continue to improve and invent our essentials; food, water, shelter. They will develop genetics that will improve our future.


richard burcik said...

The world-famous philosopher of science, Karl Popper, insisted that to be a valid scientific theory any hypothesis must be falsifiable. This includes the widely held conjecture of anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change. In short, a single set of scholarly findings that is not explained by the premise of man-made global warming which is attributable to the burning of fossil fuels can falsify this entire body of scientific speculation and this has recently occurred. Last summer the third of three peer-reviewed scientific papers that were conducted by three separate groups of expert investigators from three different universities and which have been published in eminent peer-reviewed scholarly journals have found no evidence to support the assertion regarding human-induced climate change. Instead, all three groups independently found that the warming that has happened was almost entirely attributable to galactic cosmic rays that affect the quantity of the Earth's low hanging clouds. These expert investigators call this canopy or blanket the "umbrella effect". The bottom line is that the entire climate change hysteria has now been falsified and is untrue. These three experimental results have conclusively shown that the IPCC and its computer simulation models (GCMs) are not valid.

Frank DuBois said...

Thanks Richard. Could you please provide links or titles to those studies? It would be very helpful to me and others.