Monday, November 18, 2019

California to Stop Buying From Automakers That Backed Trump on Emissions

WASHINGTON — California’s government has hit back at automakers that sided with President Trump over the state on fuel efficiency standards, saying Sacramento will halt all purchases of new vehicles from General Motors, Toyota, Fiat Chrysler and other automakers that backed stripping California of its authority to regulate tailpipe emissions. The ban, which the California governor, Gavin Newsom, plans to implement in January 2020, is the latest shot in the intensifying battle over climate change between Mr. Trump and the state, which he appears to relish antagonizing. “Carmakers that have chosen to be on the wrong side of history will be on the losing end of California’s buying power,” Governor Newsom said in a statement on Monday. A spokeswoman for G.M. said the state was depriving itself of the low-cost electric vehicles it needed to meet its environmental objectives...MORE

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