Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Green New Deal for Public Housing Also Promises Free High-Speed Internet and Bicycles

The first attempt to turn Green New Deal proposals into legislation would overhaul 1 million public housing units to make them carbon neutral. Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act that would use seven grant programs to upgrade public housing to include organic grocery stores, onsite childcare, and community gardens. Cost estimates vary depending on an organization’s political affiliation, falling between $119 billion and $172 billion over the next decade, according to left-leaning Data for Progress and a more than $1.6 trillion estimate from right-leaning American Action Forum (AAF). When the Green New Deal was first introduced in February, the AAF estimated the average U.S. household would see a $295 annual increase in electric bills to decarbonize the economy. “Any plan that’s talking about very expensive energy is probably going to be a nonstarter,” said former Rep. Albert Wynn (D-Md.). “You have to make sure energy costs are affordable to the average citizen or you end up having to subsidize the working class so they can afford their electricity bills.” A September study from the Brattle Group though, shows that decarbonizing the economy and reducing electricity costs are anathema to each other. In order to eliminate carbon emissions, the U.S. electricity sector will need to produce twice as much electricity as it does now by 2050. In an article for CommonWealth Magazine, Jürgen Weiss, an energy and industrial organization economist and a principal at the Brattle Group, notes that New England has been adding around 280 megawatts from renewable sources every year. But to reach the 2050 target, the region will need to around 6 gigawatts a year — a 2,400 percent increase every year. That’s hardly a realistic objective based on available technology. And then there’s the issue of how solar panels or wind turbines are manufactured or installed, which Steve Milloy, the founder of Junk Science, said is impossible without the fossil fuels that Green New Deal advocates and others want to eliminate. Additionally, the costs associated with decarbonization are “astronomical.”...MORE

...and there will be a less filling, great tasting beer... 

The DuBois New Deal...each bunkhouse will come with free ropes and fast horses.

1 comment:

Pepo said...

LOL!! You still have a great humor Frank!!