Friday, November 22, 2019

More Fiddling While Forests Burn

Greg Walcher

What if someone said they planned to burn down your house, but it’s for your own good? They need to study how houses burn, so they can build better computer models to predict future home fires. In the future, therefore, that might help you.
Asinine as that sounds, it is precisely what the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) proposes to do, first in southern Utah and northern New Mexico, then in Georgia and South Carolina. It is part of an incredible scheme called the Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE). The agency says it needs to study the behavior of giant, fast-moving forest fires, so it plans to set several of them, on purpose, starting this month.
The USFS plan to “study” massive fires might have a shred of credibility if the agency had no opportunity to study these disastrous wildfires before. But the agency has seen over 100 million acres of forests burn over the past 20 years, while doing virtually nothing to reduce the fuel loads or thin the forests to a more natural condition. There are volumes of studies about these catastrophic fires and the massive loss of resources, wildlife, property, and lives they have caused. Several agencies (including USFS) host websites on the subject, and have published numerous studies. Dare we wonder if there is such a thing as “settled science,” a time to stop studying and start acting?
Officials now claim they need to study the effects of these fires on climate change, but in doing so they will release massive amounts of carbon into the air, instead of producing healthy trees that absorb it. The goal of this bizarre plot, or in federal terms, the “expected outcomes,” include “Improved scientific knowledge of the physically coupled fuels–fire–smoke–chemistry system.” As if forest scientists do not understand the chemistry of smoke? Another goal is to create “Exportable methodologies for measuring fuels for fire spread, fuel consumption, and fire emissions models.” That is, bureaucrats and academics (yes, a university is also involved) are collaborating on better computer models.
It is difficult to escape the observation that the forests need better management, not computer models. Voltaire once wrote that “men argue; nature acts.” It is an apt description of how our generation has squandered the greatest legacy of the conservation movement – the national forests. Devastating forest fires are constantly in the news, but a crucial fact rarely mentioned is that these fires are not natural. They are caused by mismanagement, and no management. Indeed, our generation has all but stopped the professional management of public forests, and we are witnessing the disease, death, rotting, collapse, and burning of billions of trees covering millions of acres of previously healthy forests.
Centuries of nature’s uncomfortable balance is easily upset when people and cities move in. So our job is to mimic the role of nature, to maintain the most “natural” conditions possible. We have failed miserably.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Government bureaucrats are incredibly stupid, wasteful and above arson laws. Just think the Hammonds went to prison for setting a small "back fire" to stop a huge forest fire. Citizens are treated differently under the law.