Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teen used remote-controlled car to smuggle meth across US border, officials say

A 16-year-old boy allegedly tried to smuggle methamphetamine across the U.S.-Mexico border with a remote-controlled car. Border Patrol agents arrested the teen Sunday, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection news release Tuesday. The drugs have an estimated value of more than $106,000, the release said. This attempt comes two years after drug traffickers flew a remote-controlled drone to drop a 13-pound package of methamphetamine across the border, also resulting in an arrest. “I am extremely proud of the agents’ heightened vigilance and hard work in stopping this unusual smuggling scheme," said San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent Douglas Harrison. Agents first saw the boy walking along the secondary border wall with two duffel bags shortly after midnight Sunday, the release said. They eventually found the teen, identified as a U.S. citizen, hiding in brush. He had 50 bundles of methamphetamine weighing about 56 pounds, according to the release, along with a remote controlled-car. He is facing drug smuggling charges, authorities said. link

They seem so proud that they weren't outfoxed by a 16 year-old kid.

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