Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Texas woman killed by feral hogs in pre-dawn attack

Authorities say a Texas woman found dead on Sunday morning was the victim of a feral hog attack, after the medical examiner's report confirmed their initial fears. Christine Rollins, 59, was discovered outside the Anahuac home of an elderly couple she cared for, after they became concerned that she had not arrived at her usual time. Rollins, a beloved mother and grandmother, was found deceased with a wound to her head — believed to be from a fall — and multiple bite marks on her body that appeared to be from animals of various sizes. During a press conference Monday, Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne told reporters that the autopsy confirmed initial fears that Rollins' death was caused by "exanguination due to feral hog assault," the Daily Mail reported. According to CNN, authorities believe "that 'multiple hogs' assaulted Rollins when she arrived at work, likely between 6 and 6:30 a.m., when it was still dark outside." She had exited her vehicle and locked the door behind her when the attack occurred. The sheriff did not give further details, but added, "In my 35 years, I will tell you, it's one of the worse things I've ever seen."...MORE

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