Sunday, February 02, 2020

Looming Consequences

Units of Measure
Looming Consequences
One Hunter Biden ($50,000 USD per Month)
By Stephen L. Wilmeth

            Oh, I dread it.
            The State of the Union is scheduled for Tuesday night and it’s not going to be pleasant. The President will be there at the dais in the House of the People and will have to once again speak under the harsh glare of San Francisco’s grand dame, the 1954 lube rack girl herself. If past performances are the order of the evening, the American people will have to endure the pursed lips, the flared nostrils normally reserved for male Flehmen responses, and the repeated gesture of Nekomata cat hand clapping that is certainly not derived from constant prayers on his behalf.
            Regardless what he says, the hatred will overpower any and all suggestion of national unity.
            National unity doesn’t exist does it? The political divide has so polarized our country mere words are certainly not going to correct it. Two camps exist and the top tiered leadership demonstrates zero aptitude to change even a token of the consequences that loom.
            Indeed, we all dread it.
            Units of Measure
            While the impeachment anchor attempts to find a bottom somewhere, the underworld of the coronavirus shows shades of biting us all. By yesterday, Bianco Research was predicting 183,943,221 people could be infected by the end of this new month. At a two percent death loss, the total fatality counts could reach 3.6 million.
            Reviewing the most recent data, though, the fatality calculation can be computed to equate to 2.19% which alters the projection upwards to 4.04 million if this trend is not arrested. At the least, it makes one wonder why our divided country is still allowing Air China and others to land here until a loop is settled around this set of long horns.
            There is no two ways about it. This thing is dangerous.
            What seems to an old cowman to be a contender for even a semblance of newsworthy byline alongside the looping impeachment narrative is this growing awareness of Chinese spooks who are turning up around the country in greater numbers working at various universities. The Harvard connection is the one of the several most alarming and it is the one that ties the mountain cats around this place where we are told the virus has sprung, Wuhan, to the catamounts of the prestigious halls of too many American institutions.
            Enter the big pumpkin himself, Charles Lieber.
            Chuck runs the esteemed Harvard chemistry department, and, while his avocation appears to be growing the giant orange varieties, his real expertise is reported to be elevated into one of the very few nanoscience and nanotechnology slots in the world that can fiddle with the core of really tiny stuff like the coronavirus. It is also revealed that the Chuckster has long been on the payroll of none other than Wuhan University of Technology that is now being suggested to be ground zero where this little killer was genetically engineered.
            And, it has escaped its cage!
            In the days since it has become world news, it has been sliced, diced, and picked apart by non-Chinese researchers. What they have found is science fiction like. This virus has a middle section encoded to attack and enter human cells. It is not like any other coronavirus ever seen before, and it certainly didn’t arrive at this stage through normal mutation.
            It’s the real GMO that the liberal police have sought through proxies.
            Isn’t it a coincidence, then, that Dr. Lieber and a former Chinese army veteran and now Boston University researcher were arrested about the same time? The latter Nekomata was caught with 21 vials of biological materials in his sock trying to board a plane for a return trip to his homeland, and Lieber’s employer, that venerable institution of higher education, Harvard, keeps saying their good doctor is nothing more than a genius at growing big pumpkins.
            Hmmm …
            One Hunter Biden ($50,000 USD per month)
            The corollaries are ripe.
Like one of the untouchables of the impeachment crime scene, Hunter Biden, it turns out the pumpkin inseminator, Lieber, is also being paid $50K a month for personal services rendered from a foreign shadow that may have direct links to the deadly virus. If that doesn’t beat all, the American researcher may also be paid another $150K a year for a housing allowance where he is fully ensconced, domiciled and can fertilize his pumpkins to his full satisfaction and enjoyment.
            This may not promote even a ripple of eyebrow lift from folks like ‘One Brow Up” Nadler, his cracked team of Trump prosecutors, the arthritic media, or the liberal lefties, but a larger story should be revealed to the American public. No, it’s not another existential angel arriving to further implicate and hate the President although they will figure out another angle to hate him for it.
It’s the revelation of a new form of world stage currency!
            The Hunter Biden, or more specifically, One Hunter Biden ($50,000 USD per month) has been revealed. It is the going exchange rate to secure either American street protection or the rights to steal American technology and research on demand.
            Looming Consequences
Let’s hope they get a handle on this coronavirus.
            There is an abundance of detail that reports the general direction of its path of expansion. The unknowns are the continued strings of attachment that are made more complicated by travel between the source and the rest of the world. That is where politics cannot be counted upon to do what is best for our kind, the citizens who have to fund all this nonsense. We have long known that, and it appears our plight will only worsen.
            This impeachment is but a symptom of a greater ill.

                Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher from southern New Mexico. “I take no credit for One Hunter Biden ($50,000 USD per month), but I do accept the baton to carry it to the next hand off.”

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