Thursday, February 20, 2020

Vegan Society Tells Bosses to Police Jokes, Give Vegans Own Fridge Shelf at Work

The Vegan Society has said that vegans should be given their own shelf in refrigerators at work and employers should protect them from offensive jokes about their dietary choices. The recommendations come in the group’s guidance Supporting Veganism in the Workplace published this week. The document was written following a judge in an employment tribunal declaring last month that ethical veganism is a “philosophical belief”, like a religion, which should be protected against discrimination by workplace law. The Vegan Society’s document recommends that staff requiring a uniform or special equipment, such as leather safety boots, should be offered non-animal alternatives. It also says that vegans should have their own isolated shelf in the work refrigerator — “above non-vegan foods” — so that their food does not have to touch meat or other animal products like milk or cheese...MORE

OK, that does it...This is making me ill...I need a break from this insanity...don't know if I will be back today or not. 


Pepo said...

Frank-you can join my new and improved food group!! I am the fearless leader of the Vaguens!! We only eat food made of Vague and indiscriminate ingredients!! LOL

Frank DuBois said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Since organism is considered a philosophy that needs "protection"... then those that subscribe to the "philosophy" that eating meat is good tor the body & health should also get protection from the harassment & vegan shaming these hypocrites are famous for.

And don't worry, Frank... you won't hold your breath long enough to turn blue before these idiots top themselves with even more lunacy.

Anonymous said...

Since veganism is considered a philosophy that needs "protection"... then those that subscribe to the "philosophy" that eating meat is good tor the body & health should also get protection from the harassment & vegan shaming these hypocrites are famous for.

And don't worry, Frank... you won't hold your breath long enough to turn blue before these idiots top themselves with even more lunacy.