Friday, March 13, 2020

Firearm Manufacturer Gifts “AR-14” to Worker Threatened by Biden

Jerry Wayne, a Michigan autoworker who was recently thrust into the political spotlight after getting into it with Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, was gifted a new rifle on Wednesday. Wayne has become a hero of Second Amendment supporters after he stood his ground while questioning Biden even when the former vice president called him a liar and threatened to fight him. Just days later, a Michigan firearms manufacturer reached out to Wayne to present him with a custom rifle featuring artwork mocking the Biden encounter. “AR-14,” is inscribed on the side of the rifle along with a silhouette of Biden saying, “You’re full of shit!” Biden told Wayne he was “full of shit” and referred to AR-15s as AR-14s in the viral confrontation video. The magazine reads “100 Round Clip Magazine,” which is also mocking a bonehead Biden quote from 2019. The manufacturer, Next Level Armament, wrote, “When a patriot stands up for the 2a community it is a great thing, especially when he’s from the great state of Michigan...MORE

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