Friday, March 27, 2020

Gallup: Guess who comes in last place for their coronavirus handling?

Hint: It’s not Donald Trump, and it’s not Congress, whose approval ratings are both modestly positive at the moment. It’s not even “your employer,” according to Gallup, whose latest survey puts them in strongly positive range. In fact, almost every group that Gallup tests in its poll comes up with positive approval ratings — except for one:

Americans are generally positive in their evaluations of how each of nine leaders and institutions has handled the response to the coronavirus situation. Eight of the nine receive majority positive ratings — led by U.S. hospitals, at 88% approval. Only the news media gets a more negative than positive review.
And it’s not even close. Trump, Congress, and Vice President Mike Pence are all essentially tied in approval when accounting for margin of error around the 60% mark. The news media, on the other hand …

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