Sunday, March 15, 2020

Lee Pitts: Life Is Too Short

Life is too short to…
worry about stuff that’s probably never going to happen.
read a bad book or watch a terrible movie just because your paid for it.
spend your life staring at your I phone, computer terminal or boob tube.
work 40 years at an occupation you hate for bosses that are dumber than a dead battery.
ride rank horses or put up with crazy cows.
listen to fake news or eat fake meat.
commute two hours each way every day to work.
watch fireworks on TV. Go see the real thing.
roll your own smokes.
listen to rap music.
feel guilty about what our ancestors did to the slaves and Indians. You didn’t do it.
loan money to any of the three F’s; friends, family or fools.
get drunk every night and wake with a monster headache every morning.
stay tethered to the home place your entire life. There’s a big world out there… go see it.
marry for money. You can borrow it cheaper.
worry about the number of Facebook friends you have, Instagram followers or You Tube subscribers.
shave every day.

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