Tuesday, March 10, 2020

VIDEO - Coyotes: Living among us and a threat to our pets


They have apparently taken the video down, so here is the story on their website:

DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEV. (KOLO) Michelle Montierth understood there were coyotes in the neighborhood when she, her husband and their two small dogs moved into their home in the Indian Hills neighborhood in northern Douglas County. She'd been told they were active at night. So, they installed some deterrents, wolf urine and solar-powered lights that ranchers use and the dogs were watched if they needed to go out into their back yard at night. Daytime, they thought, would be safe. "I didn't once hear anybody say once anything about the fact that it wasn't safe any time." But one day recently she arrived home from work, Zeus, their 24-pound miniature schnauzer, typically greeted her barking as she pulled into the garage. This day, all was silent. "I just got a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong. I came in the house and my other dog was downstairs and Zeus wasn't." Zeus was lying in the back yard, dead. Their backyard security camera recorded the whole tragic encounter. Zeus and their other dog, Lily, went outside. A coyote easily jumped their four foot fence and was on Zeus immediately, grabbing him by the throat dragging him toward the fence, seemingly oblivious to Lily's attempts to defend him. "It was absolutely horrific to see." The coyote finally abandoned his attempts to carry him off, leaving the body for Michelle to discover. A tragic incident but hardly unique...

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