Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Al Gore says climate crisis and coronavirus 'linked'

Former Vice President Al Gore said Monday that the climate crisis and issues surrounding environmental injustice are linked with the coronavirus pandemic. “This climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic are linked in some ways,” Gore said on MSNBC. “The preconditions that raise the death rate from COVID-19, a great many of them, are accentuated, made worse by the fossil fuel pollution.”  Emerging statistics have illustrated that the coronavirus pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. Gore said the crisis has “exposed some longstanding weaknesses” in the country...MORE 

You just knew Gore was going to say something like that. And just what are "emerging" statistics anyway? Emerging from what? Bullshit? 

1 comment:

Paul D. Butler said...

Exactly.........AlGore is a highly proven lying BS artist