Friday, April 24, 2020

Ammon Bundy leads protest outside the home of an Idaho cop who arrested a mother-of-four for defying stay-at-home orders when she was in a playground

...Bundy, 44, and dozens of protesters rallied outside the home of an officer in Meridian, Idaho, to fight against what they claim is government overreach amid the coronavirus pandemic. Cell phone footage of the incident showed at least four officers standing guard outside the driveway while the protesters gathered in the street. 'There was a woman at a park with her children and she was arrested! Completely inappropriate,' Bundy screamed at officers, according to Huff Post. 'You will not go into parks and arrest mothers, and you will not go anywhere and arrest us for exercising what our rights are.' Bundy was referencing the arrest of Sara Walton Brady, 40, a prominent anti-vaxxer who was arrested at a local park after taking part in a protest against stay-at-home orders. Brady was in the shuttered playground section of Kleiner Park with her children just before 4pm. The rally was organized by the Idaho Freedom Foundation - a conservative organization dedicated, according to its website, to depleting 'the power of special interests and free people from government dependency.'...MORE

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