Friday, April 17, 2020

Cowboys, Ranchers Kick Off Protests To Reopen American Economy Again

Their hope lies in their demand for governments to ”reopen the economy while there’s still some economy left to reopen”. They are encouraging people to come out of government-imposed lock-downs, and to get on with life as they always have, no matter what the adversity. It started Wednesday with a small group of protesters outside the Cheyenne, Wyoming State Capitol and has already blossomed in to other states, including North and South Dakota who are organizing protests of their own, and as ranch manager Bob Donaldson told Canada Free Press in a telephone interview this morning, will ultimately crop up “in any state where our elected officials are failing the citizens of America by keeping them away from family, friends and jobs.” A second protest has been called for on Monday, April 20, 12 noon to 2 p.m. at the Cheyenne Capitol, 200 West 24th Street. On Wednesday the small group of ranchers and representatives of the Construction industry were buoyed by motorists honking their horns and giving them the thumbs up...MORE

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