Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Senate passes new $484 billion coronavirus rescue package

The Senate Tuesday passed a new small business and hospital aid package worth more than $480 billion that is aimed at addressing the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The measure passed after an hour of debate and a voice vote, which does not require lawmakers to take a roll call vote. Congress is in recess due to the coronavirus outbreak The measure now heads to likely passage in the House on Thursday. The House will probably take a roll call vote, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced Tuesday. The Maryland Democrat told reporters more than half of all Democrats are likely to return for the vote and Republicans are also expected to return in large numbers. The bill includes $321 billion to replenish a small business funding program that is helping owners avoid closure during the outbreak. It also includes $75 billion to help hosiptals treat patients and deal with budget shortfalls, and it includes $25 billion to boost coronavirus testing, including $1 billion to provide free testing for those who cannot afford it. Finally, the bill provides $60 billion total for the Disaster Loans and grants...MORE

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