Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Biden, Comey, Brennan among Obama-era officials who sought to unmask Michael Flynn

Several high-ranking members of the Obama administration were among the more than 20 officials who reportedly sought to “unmask” the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, two Republican senators said Wednesday. Among the figures named in the report are former Vice President Jospeh R. Biden, former FBI Director James Comey and ex-intelligence chiefs John Brennan and James Clapper. The names were released by Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa. “The records are one step forward in an important effort to get to the bottom of what the Obama administration did during the Russia investigation and to Lt. Gen. Flynn,” the senators said in a statement. “We will continue to review this information and push for additional relevant disclosures until we are satisfied that the American people know the full truth.” LINK

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