Monday, May 18, 2020

BLM says costs of curbing wild horse overpopulation to sustainable levels ‘could be staggering’

The costs of reigning in the wild horse and burro populations across the country's public rangelands "could be staggering," federal land managers said in a recent report. The report, provided by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to U.S. Congress last week, estimates a $900 million price tag to stabilize on-range wild horse and burro populations in the first five years of an implemented plan, with sustainability taking up to 20 years to achieve. "The harm inflicted on public lands from excess wild horses and burros compounds yearly as on-range population growth rates and off-range holding costs outstrip the BLM's ability to manage herds according to the intent of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burro Act of 1971, as amended," the analysis said. An estimated 88,000 wild horses and burros roam public rangelands as of March 1, 2019, according to the most recently available population estimate. The BLM's analysis added that a sustainable population for rangelands is 27,000...MORE


john raadosevich said...

feed the children mustang stew

Anonymous said...

Like all things government sponsored the cost of business goes out of sight. There are plenty of non-PC ways to control these horses. The cost of business is purely the regs put on by the Feds for doing the job.

john raadosevich said...

This has been a debacle from then start and continues with no end in sight. slaughter is the only sensible answer but the horse kissers rule the advisory 1000 pound horse will yield about 1600 cans of mustang stew with a half pound of horse meat mixed with some veggies.There is a plant in Canada that will kill then, cook them and can them, so what is the problem?