Thursday, May 07, 2020

Don't chain me down

...A quick look at one of the most vulnerable chains, pork, spotlights its weak9est links and shows how it can be shortened—and backstopped—by more local production.

According to Successful Farming (SF) magazine’s late 2019 Pork Powerhouses®, 40 national and international companies now own 4,290,700 sows, or mama hogs, in the U.S. Those 40 operations, in fact, own two out of every three sows in America today, reported SF. Equally remarkable, if each of those sows, on average, delivers 25 baby pigs this year (intensely managed sows will “farrow” 30-plus piglets per year), these 40 powerhouses will produce and control 107.5 million hogs.

That, too, is roughly two-thirds of the 150 million or so hogs that will be born, raised, and slaughtered in the U.S. this year. Interestingly, the other one-third of the hogs the Fab 40 don’t have a direct hand in nearly equals the amount of pork exported by the U.S. to the rest of the world.

That effectively means the entire domestic pork market is controlled by 40 companies, 15 of which are either owned outright or integrated with a global meatpacker. It also means that when American taxpayers give their money to “livestock farmers” during this ongoing pandemic, most will go to a handful of industrial meatpackers who, in fact, are today’s “hog farmers.”

But that’s not the only price Americans will pay. Last week, our highly efficient, industrialized system snapped after the virus landed in its workplace. The collapse was so concerning the White House stepped in with its muscle and our money. Again. It was all so predictable.

Just ask Mike Callicrate, a Kansas rancher who raises, slaughters, packages, and sells his own beef and other farmers’ local lamb, poultry, pork, and cheese through Ranch Foods Direct, his company. He foresaw the rise of industrial meatpackers and predicted the nation would pay for its growing, reckless devotion to cheap, unhealthy industrial food. 

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