Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Federal judge invites third parties to weigh in on Michael Flynn case

A federal judge said late Tuesday that he would allow third parties to weigh in on Michael Flynn’s case, an unusual move delaying the court’s response to the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the criminal charges against the former national security adviser. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan issued a fairly lengthy order saying “at the appropriate time” he will set a schedule for interested parties — known as amicus curiae — to comment on the case. The move will allow critics and supporters of dropping the criminal charges against Flynn to offer their opinions. An amicus brief is usually submitted when a third party could be affected by the court’s decision or has unique information not previously presented in the case. It is very rare for a judge to request such motions in a criminal case. Judge Sullivan, a President Clinton appointee, needs to approve dropping the charges. Typically, judges follow the Justice Department’s recommendations but Judge Sullivan has been a harsh critic of Flynn. In 2018, the judge accused Flynn of selling “your country out.”...MORE


Anonymous said...

It is time for POTUS to pardon Flynn or this will continue ad infinitum.

Azher Memon said...

Amazing post! really loved the way you explained