Monday, May 04, 2020

Limbaugh makes stunning prediction about Democratic presidential ticket

Joe Kovacs

Will Joe Biden even be on the Democratic presidential ticket by Election Day? The answer is no, according to radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. "Biden is somebody that's not gonna be on the ticket anyway. Something's gonna happen," Limbaugh said on his national broadcast Monday. "They can't possibly go into the race with the guy on the ticket. ... At the highest levels of the Democrat National Committee, they know that Joe Biden has got to go. Nonstarter." Since the onset of lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, campaign events have been put on hold, and Biden has been doing interviews from his own home. But even if there were no lockdown, Limbaugh says having Biden campaign in public is dangerous for Democrats. "He is holed up in his basement in Delaware, and they can't let him out! They can't let him on the campaign trail, and they know this," said Limbaugh. "He's gonna have to answer for this Tara Reade [sexual-assault allegation] somehow, somewhere, even if the media is trying to give him a pass on it – and they are. And even if the Democrats are trying to give him a pass on it, he's at some point gonna have to have some kind of an answer for it. And he probably is not gonna have a good one. "And he's not gonna have an answer that he can remember. He's not going to have an answer that will put it to bed, so to speak. So they're faced with a hard, cold reality on the Democrat side, and that is they have to find a way to get him off the ticket. But he's got the delegates." Limbaugh says while some on the political left want Biden gone, there are others who would never want him off the ticket. "The people behind Plugs [Biden], the people who want Plugs to be president, those are the people who are having dreams about all the presidential power they will have. They don't want anything happening to Plugs," he explained. "You know, Plugs has his Kitchen Cabinet, this silent bunch of people behind him that, in their minds, they're gonna actually be the ones running the country 'cause Plugs is not gonna know where he is day to day. And I'm not even saying that trying to be humorous. It is a fact." Limbaugh said he could not overemphasize how much the Democrat Party and the media want to be done with President Donald Trump. "Getting rid of Donald Trump is even more important than winning the White House" in their minds, he stressed...MORE

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