Saturday, May 23, 2020

More on CFAP payments

Eligible commodities must be owned, not subject to an agreed upon price in the future through forward contracts, agreements, or similar biding documents, eligible commodities must be SUBJECT TO PRICE RISK (intended to be sold). Crops intended for grazing are ineligible for CFAP, other intended uses, such as hay or silage are eligible, IF they are subject to price risk. The following are eligible commodities:
Dairy/Milk, Malting Barley, Canola, Corn, Upland Cotton, Sorghum, Soybeans, Sunflowers, Durum Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Wool (graded and ungraded), Cattle
o Feeder Cattle: less than 600 lbs (includes calves born to beef cows owned prior 01/15/2020 and intended to be marketed this fall).
o Feeder Cattle: 600 lbs or more (owned prior 01/15/2020)
o Slaughter Cattle: Fed Cattle (Finished Fat cattle) (owned prior 01/15/2020)
o Slaughter Cattle: Mature Cattle (culls) (owned prior 01/15/2020)
o All other Cattle (owned prior 01/15/2020)
...· Lambs & Yearlings
o All sheep less than 2 years of age (owned prior 01/15/2020)
§ Lambs born to ewes that were owned prior 01/15/2020
...For livestock owners and contract growers who are at risk and have a share of the livestock that are available for marketing or would have a share if the livestock had been marketed ARE eligible livestock producers.
• Livestock owned on Jan. 15, 2020 and sold between Jan. 15 and April 15, 2020
• Offspring born from that Jan. 15, 2020 inventory
• Livestock inventory owned between April 16 and May 14, 2020
• Livestock that are no longer used for dairy production and have entered the beef cattle market
• Livestock purchased after Jan. 15, 2020 and sold on or before April 15, 2020 are INELIGIBLE
• Livestock subject to an agreed upon price in the future through a forward contract, agreement, or similar binding document as of Jan. 15, 2020 are INELIGIBLE

1 comment:

General blog said...

Awesome Article. For more please do visit the following links:
CAF Subjects
CFAP subjects