Thursday, May 07, 2020

Rosenstein Scope Memo For Mueller Peddled Steele Dossier, Logan Act Conspiracy Theories

 Sean Davis

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s memo authorizing Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation was riddled with conspiracy theories lifted straight from the bogus dossier of Christopher Steele, a newly released, less redacted version of the memo shows...
 ...However, a sprawling investigation by the DOJ Office of Inspector General found that Rosenstein’s DOJ fabricated evidence and falsified documents to justify an illegal federal spy warrant against Page. A Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) lawyer, reported to be Kevin Clinesmith, allegedly altered documents from a U.S. intelligence agency to erase evidence that Page had for years worked on behalf of the U.S. government to help investigate Russian agents who were attempting to damage the U.S. and compromise national security.
The OIG investigation also revealed that Rosenstein’s DOJ repeatedly lied to federal courts and used bogus claims from Steele, who was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to secure wiretaps against Page, who has never been formally charged with any wrongdoing. Rosenstein personally signed at least one of the false Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, spy warrants against Page.
...The new declassifications of portions of Rosenstein’s memo affirm charges from Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the ranking member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, that Rosenstein used the Steele dossier to justify and direct Mueller’s special counsel probe.
“[I]t’s clear that false allegations from the Steele dossier played a major role not only in the FISA warrant application on Page, but in the appointment of the Special Counsel as well,” Nunes said in a statement after a lengthy report detailing Mueller’s investigation was released in 2019. Until now, those facts had been hidden behind redactions in the Rosenstein document.

"fabricated evidence"..."falsified documents"..."altered documents"..."erase evidence"..."repeatedly lied to federal courts"...This is terrible stuff, and is not the only instance where these types of behavior have occurred. And this will continue until somebody is held responsible.

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