Friday, July 03, 2020

Calif. Gov. Newsom Bans Singing in Church

...According to the CA DPH, churches are required to “discontinue singing and chanting activities,” the Sacramento Bee reported.
This is an update to previous language that only suggested that churches should “strongly consider discontinuing singing, group recitation, and other practices and performances.”
The SacBee continued:
Health agencies such as the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say shouting or singing can spread the coronavirus just as easily as coughing or sneezing.
California’s health department agrees, and as Gov. Gavin Newsom begins tightening protocols during a resurgence of the pandemic, it now says singing and chanting are outright banned.
“Activities such as singing and chanting negate the risk reduction achieved through six feet of physical distancing,” the state said in its new guidelines.
Newsom is also ordering churches to buy supplies of masks and hand them out to members as they enter the church...


Anonymous said...

“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” the same goes for Newsom. Let's see how that works out in court. Enough of caving in to political whims and stupidity! If we let the thugs like Newsom get away with infringing on our rights we will not have them. All it takes is for a few of these "rulings' to go into effect without any complaint and then the next one will be easier to effect. Time to fight or lose all of our rights.

Hope said...

God will be the judge for his decision. He is not opposing men...but God himself. These people as known will not end their terms in government.