Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Common Sense on Trial Everywhere

George Neumayr

...Everywhere one looks common sense is on trial, from cops who practice self-defense to homeowners who do. In this climate, the St. Louis couple, the McCloskeys, who successfully defended their home from the mob, are of course cast as villains by the media. Or to put it in Chris Cuomo’s ludicrously race-baiting terms, they are the face of “resistance to the Black Live Matters movement.”
...In this war on common sense, pathetic Republicans behave like broken POWs, reciting whatever propaganda the mob forces upon them. Hence, we see Republican senators calling for the elimination of Columbus Day and treating Robert E. Lee as a Nazi. Trump is derided by them for standing against this frenzy of iconoclasm. As the mob has ripped up the country, Republicans’ silence has been deafening. They muttered their platitudes about the glories of “peaceful protest” even as the protests grew more and more violent.
The consequence of the two parties bashing the police while coddling the mob is that crime is now spreading like wildfire. Criminals correctly see a flashing green light in all the “defund the police” rhetoric. They know that they have the upper hand, and that in places like Chicago one can literally get away with murder. The police there have completely backed off. Consequently, Chicago has over 300 murders this year.
It is fitting that in these upside-down times the McCloskeys would not be heroes but outcasts. They were “caught on camera” defending themselves and their home. How dare they use the only language the mob understands — the display of force. How dare they take matters into their own hands and not call a police that wouldn’t have come. How dare they not recognize that self-defense, if you are guilty of “whiteness,” is itself an act of illicit privilege.
The Black Lives Matter movement will not end in a system without injustice but one with monstrous new ones — a dystopia where common sense is a crime and criminals rule with impunity.

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