Saturday, July 25, 2020

Conservatives blast Supreme Court ruling: Roberts has 'abandoned his oath'

Conservative lawmakers blasted Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after he sided with the court's liberal justices in a 5-4 decision Friday that rejected a Nevada church’s request to block the state government from enforcing a cap on attendance at religious services. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted early Saturday morning that Roberts had "abandoned his oath." "What happened to that judge?" tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). "Freedom of religion is our first freedom. Yet SCOTUS has ruled that casinos can host hundreds of gamblers, while churches cannot welcome their full congregations. Justice Roberts once again got it wrong, shamefully closing church doors to their flocks," Cotton added in a statement. The decision strikes down a suit from Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, which argued that it was being treated unfairly compared to other businesses in the state. While places of worship in Nevada have a hard 50-person limit amid the coronavirus pandemic, businesses such as casinos and restaurants can operate at half of their fire-code capacity. This discrepancy was a violation of the First Amendment, the church asserted in the suit...MORE

Here is Justice Gorsuch's one paragraph dissent:


1 comment:

Dave Skinner said...

In retrospect, it seems the second Bush administration had the same flaw as the first -- making terrible appointments.