Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Montana governor sues over 'unconstitutional' federal land agency head

Montana's Democratic governor is challenging the Trump administration's Bureau of Land Management chief, accusing him of holding the office unconstitutionally. Gov. Steve Bullock filed a lawsuit Monday against William Perry Pendley, who has essentially filled the vacant director's role since his appointment as deputy director last summer. The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for one-tenth of the US land mass and 700 million acres of below ground resources, such as oil, gas and minerals. Bullock is a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and is currently running to unseat Republican Sen. Steve Daines. (Bullock is term-limited from seeking reelection as governor.) The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Montana, claims Interior Secretary David Bernhardt's temporary delegation of authority to Pendley violated the Constitution's requirement that major officials undergo Senate confirmation. "This is a frivolous and politically motivated claim that has no legal standing," spokesman Conner Swanson said, speaking for the Interior Department and Bureau of Land Management. "Gov. Bullock should do a little legal research before wasting everyone's time with this nonsense."...MORE 

Steve Bullock is a former candidate for a political office (President), currently holds a political office (Governor), is running for another political office (Senator), is suing over a political appointee (BLM Director) and yet has the audacity to say the lawsuit "has nothing to do with running for Senate", i.e. is nonpolitical? Does he honestly believe we don't think he conducted an internal poll before filing this lawsuit, or that it has nothing to do with national fundraising for his campaign? Sorry, Governor, but we suspect both things and recognize this for what it is, a political lawsuit.

1 comment:

Paul D. Butler said...

Bull is his name and bullshit is his game.........wake up Montana