Friday, September 11, 2020

Todd Engel Conviction is Vacated

The conviction of Todd Engel has been vacated by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They have remanded Engel back to Nevada for a new trial, or to be released. This case is very complicated, but it is extremely important and everyone should be aware of the background and further ramifications. Todd Engel is from Idaho. He was one of thousands of people that watched the apparent atrocities being committed against the people by the government, via social media videos of the Bundy Ranch vs. the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The BLM were attempting to impound the cattle of Cliven Bundy, and the tactics the government actors were using to accomplish this were appearing to go beyond the scope of the government’s authority. Engel traveled to Bunkerville, Nevada in April 2014 to protest this abuse by the government. Engel never fired a weapon. Engel never hurt anyone. Yet, Engel was arrested, along with multiple others, for this protest of the government. Todd Engel was named in eleven counts in the indictment. Engel was subsequently convicted on 2 or the original 11 charges, and Judge Navarro sentenced him to 14 years for his participation in the Bunkerville protest...MORE

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