The Scribes
Committed Family
By Stephen L. Wilmeth
The church
of environmental splendor is akin to a fire ant invasion.
Word Friday
morning of a pending plan to fly 90-150 jaguars at hack in Arizona and southern
New Mexico was only one of three weekly pincer attacks on the remaining sanity
of written history of the Southwest. At issue is not just an effort to engineer
another impossible large carnivore entry into the world of make believe, it is
the deliberate and conscious effort to formulate an end run around the previous
removal of critical habitat for jaguars in lands where they have only been occasional
visitors over the past 100 years.
The big
cats can’t live in a world where they can’t make a living and the arrogance of
the world savers, payroll patriots, and chest thumpers ensconced in their safe
foxholes that push such fallacy is as stifling as it is destructive!
The second
incident is the killing of a wolf and the reward of finding the sharpshooter
who killed it. The story about the incident places the killer in the category
of a modern-day Boston strangler. What the public is not being told, though, is
the fact the deceased was a problem wolf in the recovery area and was shipped
to Mexico to make it somebody else’s problem. It was a dereliction of
responsibility of dealing with the wolf when and where the problems occurred as
the policies and protocol have stipulated.
The problem
could have been hidden from the public’s eye except the wolf decided to go home
to the subsidized chow line in the Arizona/New Mexico recovery area. Being
collared, it was tracked across hostile and friendly grounds until somebody
took matters into their own hands and shot it outside the recovery area in Arizona.
Now, that
person has being tried in absentia by the complicit press and awaits a public
hanging if and when he is found.
The third
strike is the bill awaiting final disposition in New Mexico’s Roundhouse making
it illegal to trap on public lands. The entrenched progressives of the land of
enchantment have taken it upon themselves to act on behalf of United States
government land agencies, the Tribes, and even the DOD to declare sovereign
jurisdiction across all lands that form the footprint of the state.
Of course,
every sane person knows where this bill is ultimately heading, but one must
wonder what the 47th state admitted to the union might be like if
similar efforts were made to make itself self-supporting … rather than another modern-day
reservation and ward of the American taxpayer.
One of the points
of greatest incredulity of accepting things as they truly are is coming to
grips with the press.
They are
the facilitators of the cause and hate exercises. To start with, there is no
such thing as a fair and balanced press. So many productive and independent Americans
have entered into public debates on the basis of actions being taken against them
without any prior warning much less representation. Time and again the
inevitable is played out whereby they are played and treated as fools (and
increasingly in recent days as fascists). The prevailing press has no aptitude
nor natural inquisitiveness to flush out any other side of a story other than
what must be described only as the party line. It is certainly a function of
their surroundings and their training, but it is also more.
It has long
been foundational.
The problem
isn’t simply a function of the times although 24-hour press cycles and social
media have elevated most folks into a different stratum of involvement. Rather,
there is realization the majority of the press could not write a countering or
dissenting opinion if they were assigned the task. They weren’t taught fairness
regardless of their representation. There is no balance in journalism schools
just like there is no balance in the vast majority of law schools. The
graduates of these mills are simply incapable of such an assignment and the
prevailing message remains mired in smugness, ignorance, misconception, singlemindedness,
and mediocrity.
It’s kind
of like the city kids who used to come to see their country cousins and want to
play as equals in that unequal but much more realistic world.
The progressive
line has become so corrupted with hate, vitriol, and destructive intent there
is no recourse other than doubling down.
The process
becomes a thread of ever tighter controls and demands because the outcomes are
never satisfactory. Never is the end game enough nor is the actual result an
outcome that was envisioned in the first place. It becomes and has become a
dark and dead-end tunnel.
There is an
interesting story of Eisenhower during the last days of World War II that dramatizes
this process. The scene was an inspection of yet another scene of horror that
littered the landscape of war-torn Europe. As Ike was walking along, he noticed
an inscription on a wall. Asking what is said, someone interpreted it for him.
The STATE is everything and the individual is …
Ours is a
world that is descending ever closer to that reality. A parallel if not central
theme of the movement is the fact that extraction of the benefits of existing
productivity has become more of the theme of society than the benefits derived
from the production itself.
There is
also the realization that the governance of our society is increasingly carried
out by the people who are emotionally and fundamentally in disagreement to its
tenets and the Constitution under which it was founded. That is a bad place to
All we can
hope for and commit to assure to succeeding generations… is this will turn out
to be a story whereby the family stood together and weathered the catastrophe
cast upon them.
Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher from southern New
Mexico. “I’ve got to go figure out where water from a new pump is actually
Editor's note: Mr. Wilmeth submitted this piece just prior to the adjournment of the legislature. The anti-trapping legislation passed and has been sent to the Governor.
1 comment:
Could the author please attempt to explain what he meant in paragraph two of his jeremiad? Is there really "a pending plan to fly 90-150 jaguars at hack in Arizona and southern New Mexico" (whatever that is supposed to mean)? If so, let's hear more about it. His attempts at high-flying prose often get in the way of the point he is trying to make.
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