Monday, June 14, 2021

Fabian Strategy

National Anthem

Fabian Strategy

Locke Step!

By Stephen L. Wilmeth



            It’s hot … too darned hot!

            The temperature in the pickup going to feed the dogied calves showed 106° and it wasn’t even the hottest forecasted day in the forecast. It is the expected ravages of June, though, and it is something we always have to face.

            We’ve been working on the headquarters’ corral in the cool of the morning before water rounds are made. Other than protein tubs, the only thing that we are feeding is cake to the replacement heifers and the bulls. If something is needing help, we have picked it up and brought it in to the headquarters.

            We need rain, and we need it badly.

            June, though, is always that dreaded time of the year when everything that can go wrong does. To a greater extent, everybody is a bit pale and that doesn’t mean the absence of sunburn. Things are getting critical. There is worry galore.

For many, water has been a huge problem. Some folks are hauling water. Our neighbor and friend to the south has had a power problem that has forced him to put bring some things up to code. He has been relying on generators for two weeks and is about ready to call somebody out on the county side of the bureaucratic over demand. He needs the power back on!

            These people have no idea what it means to have water troughs and storages empty.

            We’ve had our fill of predation this week, too. In successive days, we have found baby calves killed by coyotes. In one instance, four of them were eating on the freshly killed carcass when we drove up. The mama was still there as much terrorized as we were (yes, it was on public land and our government leadership which prevailed in disallowing trapping on such lands has obviously never had to deal with these tragedies, either).

            APHIS has been called and have been on the ranch two days this week, but their hands, too, are tied. We’d buy some airtime if their plane wasn’t tied up in wolf country. Since trap use in the recovery area is strictly limited, their alternative is to be flying other predatory problems.

            We simply seek alternatives that may exist and deal with issues as best we can.

            National Anthem

            In all seriousness, not a single person in our nearby ranching community is watching baseball, NBA basketball, golf, tennis, or even NASCAR. The antics of the progressive and race baiting mobs have sealed the deal for us to turn to other preoccupations in this corner of the world. There is enough to make us crazy without witnessing the endless nonsense that has made us pass on main street professional sports.

            That is why it was so interesting watching the crowd join together to sing the national anthem at the Stanley Cup this week.

            Of course, we weren’t watching those playoffs (is that what hockey calls it?), but the news feeds we read daily dropped it into our in-baskets. We opened the link and played it repeatedly.

            Americans, easterners no less, singing so loudly the beautiful lady assigned the duty of singing dropped out at one time and directed the gathered voices! Without an iota of embarrassment, it had us shedding big tears and we were not even there.

            It was a big indicator that there is a sea of Americans out there who believe as we do. We are not alone regardless of the what the preponderance of anti-American propaganda might suggest. We have tuned the naysayers out. We don’t want them or need them in our lives.

            They, the Fabian scribes, now face the same glide path of decline and rejection as witnessed in our interest in professional sports.


            The Fabian Strategy

            This concept known as Fabianism came from warfare. It is the idea of gradualism whereby opposing generals knew they couldn’t prevail by headlong confrontation so they would pick and choose their opportunities. Success came with persistence as their enemy was worn down and demoralized.

            In a new age and organized fashion, the Fabian Society of the UK exists without secrecy. They operate in full light seeking participants who are welcome to come into their midst, conjure up new societal recipes, and offer the ideas to the group. Like America’s EarthFirsters! they’d prefer to have uncorrupted thought, so jesters and idiots are as welcome as much as educated socialists.

            They preach public service, sustainability, universal citizenship, equality of wealth, and tolerance. They are no border advocates. Their current hot topics are environmental justice, gay rights, and there it is again, colonial reparations.

            It sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?

            They are run of the mill communists. Their ground game is gradualism with an ever-changing format of incidental topics and demands to install stepwise reform through confusion. Their admission is they don’t even know where their new and evolving ideas might take them. Their seed stock is Marx, Engels, Mao, Trotsky, Nietzsche, and Stalin.

            Their contemporary communal mates and get include a large array of Latin American, African, European, and Asian leaders along with … a sizeable percentage of the American Congress.

            Locke Step

            Whether you or those Americans who joined in the singing of the national anthem know it, another kind of predecessor influenced our path. The 17th Century philosopher and biblical scholar, John Locke, revealed much of our constitutional theory and documented the ideas in words for the ages.

            Whereas, the Fabians advocate mobs and chaos, Locke elevated the individual into the spot of earthly importance. In written form, he set forth the ideas of natural rights, consent of the governed, separation of powers, religious liberty and tolerance, and sacrosanct property rights. Life, liberty, and general welfare were his bylines. It was he who was there in spirit singing the national anthem with that crowd of Americans the other night.

            Let’s remember our precious gift.


            Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher from southern New Mexico. 

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