Sunday, July 04, 2021

New Mexico forest draws crowd for annual Rainbow Gathering

CARSON NATIONAL FOREST, N.M. (AP) — Across a mile-long stretch of forest in a remote part of northern New Mexico, the party is in full swing. Tents dotted mountain meadows flanked by dense stands of trees. Makeshift kitchens were erected to feed the hundreds of people gathering for what would be a weekend-long celebration attended by grandmothers, families with children and others in search of peace, camaraderie and perhaps to smoke a little weed. This is the Rainbow Family. The Carson National Forest, just beyond the tourist enclave of Taos, was chosen as the spot for this year’s national gathering. But people also were congregating for the July 4 celebration in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. The so-called Rainbow Gathering — which draws an array of characters who range from office workers looking to get away from the daily grind to nature lovers and those who have mastered van life — was set to culminate Sunday in a silent hand-holding circle punctuated by a loud “ohm.”...Forest Service officials say gatherings in recent years left surprisingly little impact on water, erosion and other areas of concern to forest officials. With a fraction of the normal participants this year, the concerns are even fewer. Still, rangers had seized an undisclosed number of guns and cited people for things as minor as a cracked windshield. Other charges involved marijuana and methamphetamine possession. For decades, the Rainbows have complained that law  enforcement assigned to patrol them have used any excuse to pull them over and search them. Prince said she and another woman were searched on their way into the gathering, and her friend’s marijuana stash was seized. New Mexico this week legalized the recreational use of marijuana, but it’s still illegal on federal land. “They pulled people over and took all their weed,” Prince said. “Pulled over a couple of grandmas.”...MORE


Leave it up to the dunces in the Forest Service to abuse their authority when the populace is celebrating the freedoms declared on the Fourth of July. Smokey doesn't like the word "Independence".
Many are not aware the Forest Service claims jurisdiction over cracked windshields, as well as tail lights, head lights, turn signals, etc. 
What a sad picture this paints. During our modern day celebration of Independence, the Forest Service is handing out tickets for cracked windshields.
What do you think would have happened if a federal agent had tried to ticket Samuel Adams for having a cracked wagon seat? 

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