Friday, July 30, 2021

Western governors ask Biden for aid on wildfires

 Governors of Western states facing severe fires called for federal action on climate change and forest management on a call with President Biden and Vice President Harris Friday.

Biden began by asking the governors what help the White House could provide at the state level that they were not already receiving. Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) said the fires illustrate the need for more effective forest management in the affected areas.

“I can take you 10 miles west of the state capitol in Helena and show you a forest where 90 percent of the trees are standing dead,” Gianforte said, adding that such circumstances create a “tinder box” in those areas.

Biden agreed, comparing ignitions in poorly-managed forests to “dropping a match in a pool of fuel” and highlighted the additional forest management and Bureau of Land Management funds in the bipartisan infrastructure package backed by the White House...MORE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Standing dead trees are the result of poor environmental mandates which prohibited forest managers from waging a war against Gypsy Moths infestations and Bark Beetle attacks. Now we have millions of acres of dead trees just waiting for the arsonist to set them on fire. For those with a memory, when these pests showed up in the forests an immediate reaction of suppression was initiated with excellent results. But ever since the Rachael Carson false news about DDT the use of chemicals to prevent infestations was buried under tons of paper work and outright prohibitions. Then the fake news cycle picked up on this and exploited the reluctance to use chemicals to contain forest pests. The city dwellers who encourages this press are not concerned when a forest burns. Instead they were encouraged by pseudo-scientiests to light more fires to promote healthy forests. They failed to point out that some controlled burning in Ponderosa pine was beneficial and instead promoted the idea that burning over all types of forest ecosystems was just as beneficial. Well guess what? Now they say all of this burning is caused by climate change. Used oats! The city dwellers are running out of water and they will also blame that on climate change not on their sorry understanding of the aspects of insect killed forest which results in rampaging forest fires and diminished water sheds.