Thursday, September 16, 2021

4 in 10 fear having children due to climate change: global survey


An international poll of some 10,000 young adults has revealed that tomorrow’s leaders feel “betrayed” by elder generations when it comes to managing climate change.

Published in the Lancet Tuesday, it’s the largest study yet that measures young peoples’ response to environmental policy — or, rather, the lack thereof.

Responses from thousands of participants in 10 countries — Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Portugal, the UK and the US — pointed to significant anxiety prompted by talk of climate change.

About 75% of those aged 16 to 25 concurred with the statement “the future is frightening,” while about 60% said they are “very” or “extremely worried” about climate change. More than 50% believe they have fewer opportunities than their parents at their age. Furthermore, some 40% are hesitant to become parents out of a fear they’ll bring a child into a sun-scorched, voided wasteland...MORE

No, their problem is they are living in an intellectual and moral wasteland today.

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