Monday, September 27, 2021

The Hidden Gift for Media Dems Put in Their Spending Bill Effectively Turns Every Outlet Into NPR

C. Douglas Golden 

If you think the establishment media doesn’t like the Democrats enough already, wait until the federal government is subsidizing it.

There’s plenty of objectionable waste in the $3.5 trillion spending bill the Democratic Party is pushing on Capitol Hill, but few giveaways hidden in the 881-page document are so blatant as a tax credit for “local news” outlets.

According to the Washington Times, the credit would allow the outlets to receive a quarterly tax credit “equal to 50%” of a journalist’s salary up to $12,500 a quarter.

“Think of it as a way to turn every news outlet in America into a version of NPR,” said Adam Guillette, president of conservative media watchdog Accuracy in Media, in a commentary piece for The Daily Signal.

“Let’s be clear: ‘Saving’ the media would destroy the media. How could we ever trust journalists to accurately cover the elected officials who voted against their funding?” he wrote in the Wednesday piece. “How can you ‘speak truth to power’ when you’re also pleading with that power for cash? Which news outlets would get the funding, and which would be snubbed?

“Any pretense of objectivity would be destroyed once the media is on the federal payroll,” he continued. “And if you think the media is already hostile to conservatives, libertarians, Christians, business leaders, southerners, and basically anyone who didn’t love Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s, D-N.Y., dress from the Met Gala, just imagine the disdain they’ll show us once they’re funded by tax dollars. Also imagine the press coverage of any politician that dares to oppose renewing — or increasing — their funding.”


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