...It is hard to imagine widespread hunger in the U.S. The country is so rich, so big, so productive… food is so plentiful… and its people are so fat. What could possibly go so wrong as to cause people to go hungry?
Our friend, independent publisher MN Gordon, passed along a bit of news:
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food prices were up nearly 33 percent year over year in August. Vegetable oil, grains, and meat all cost more. Unfortunately, rising food prices – and empty stomachs – often presage social chaos and revolution.
When adjusted for inflation and annualized, the cost of food is higher than nearly anytime in the past six decades, according to FAO data. Alastair Smith, senior teaching fellow in global sustainable development at Warwick University in the United Kingdom, recently noted:
“Food is more expensive today than it has been for the vast majority of modern recorded history.”
Whoa! What happened? Don’t farm machinery, fertilizers, and pesticides get better every year? Aren’t they burning off the Amazon to plant more soya? And wasn’t global warming supposed to be bad for humans, but good for plants? What gives? We don’t know. But thank God for the Biden Team. It knows exactly what the problem is: Capitalism!
In food production, as in banking, the political hustlers think they know better than consumers, investors, and producers...
As we restart the world’s largest economy and make great strides in the economic recovery, the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to restarting right for the American people – consumers and producers alike – by transforming the food system.
Yes, you read that right.
We saw on Friday that the feds plan to rework the entire financial system, eliminating banks as we have known them.
Now this; they aim to “transform” our farms, too.
At least 2 million people starved in the Ukraine after the Soviet government took charge. As many as 55 million died in China after Chairman Mao sought to “transform” the farm economy in 1958.
As far as we know, no centrally planned, government-directed agriculture program has ever succeeded.
Zimbabwe had been known as “the breadbasket of Africa.” Its rich fields and temperate climate made it one of the most productive countries on the continent.
But then, along came a government determined to transform the food system… and the financial system, too… Farms were taken away from prosperous white farmers and given to government cronies.
And soon, the shelves were empty...
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