Sunday, October 17, 2021

So, We're Just Going to Ignore a Bunch of Green Warriors Who Tried to Storm the Department of the Interior?

 It wasn’t the Capitol Building, but another insurrection occurred in Washington DC this week. Based on the liberal media’s rules, this was an attack on our democracy*, our principles, and it should shake us to our core. This isn’t who we are. Was this worse than 9/11? I don’t know. That’s what the establishment media thought of the January 6 riot. Are these domestic terrorists going to be arrested as well? Will there be a congressional committee to investigate how this heinous attack on our country occurred this week? Probably not. It was left-wingers. It was global warming activists who tried to storm the Department of the Interiorbuilding. One officer was injured (via WaPo):

Police and climate activists clashed Thursday during protests at the Interior Department, with security personnel sustaining “multiple injuries” and one officer being taken to a hospital, agency spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said. Climate demonstrators were attempting to occupy the Interior Department, with dozens entering the Stewart Lee Udall Main Interior Building on C Street NW. Those who remained outside clashed with police as they tried to keep the one unlocked door open. At times, protesters attempted to push past the police line. The protesters were here for People vs. Fossil Fuels, five days of demonstrations by a coalition of groups known as Build Back Fossil Free that has included Indigenous leaders from across the country. The coalition’s name is a nod to President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda.People vs. Fossil Fuels said in a statement that 55 people were arrested during the protest, including Indigenous leaders, and said police “acted aggressively” by using Tasers on at least two people and batons to hit others. A spokesperson for the Federal Protective Service, which Schwartz said responded to the protest to “mitigate the situation,” did not immediately respond to a request for comment on police tactics and arrests.



Anonymous said...

The same thing happened in 2016 at the Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas leases sale at the New Orleans Saints Dome. Federal employees were injured when activists stormed the dias at the end of the sale, pushing tables back. The assistant secretary was injured in a fall, although it was not clear if she tripped trying to escape or was pushed to the ground. The Obama administration said nothing, but it is the reason that since then bid opening and reading is done on livestream media on line behind armed security. Green is good, until it attacks.

Frank DuBois said...

thanks for your comment.