Sunday, July 03, 2022

Southern California residents cut water in drought of 'epic proportions'


Southern California areas told to cut water use by 35% finished June on track to stave off an outdoor watering ban.

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California supplies those communities in Ventura, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties with Northern California water delivered by the State Water Project. After a record dry start to the year, the state limited its deliveries to just 5%.

..In response, Metropolitan required millions of its customers to cut outdoor watering to one day a week or find other ways to conserve.The first of their kind restrictions were brought on by extraordinary drought conditions, Coffey said.

“The southwestern U.S. is in a drought of epic proportions,” he said.

Amid a years-long drought, California recorded its driest January, February and March on record this year. The U.S. Drought Monitor now classifies nearly all of California – 97% – in severe to extreme drought...MORE

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