Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Montana reestablishes wolf hunting quotas outside Yellowstone National Park


The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted new wolf hunting regulations at its meeting this week in Helena, with new special consideration for the hunting of wolves near Yellowstone National Park.

On Thursday, the Commission voted to do away with the state’s 18 current Wolf Management Units (WMU). This coming hunting season wolves will now be managed in seven regional trapping units and one WMU. The new WMU 313 is a combination of the old WMU 313 and 316, both of which border the north side of Yellowstone.

Hard harvest quotas were set for each trapping district totaling 450 wolves combined. Independent of the trapping districts, a quota of six wolves was set for the new WMU 313. FWP had recommended a quota of 10 for the new WMU, but the commission said they lowered that number to six based on input from the National Parks and the public... MORE

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