Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Government's Dirty Secret


John Stossel

Classified documents are found in Donald Trump’s home!

Democrats were outraged! Trump is guilty of “mishandling of some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets” creating “a national security crisis!” said MSNBC’s Chris Hayes and Nicole Wallace.

Then President Joe Biden got caught. 

Suddenly conservatives were upset. 

“Thanks to Joe Biden,” said Sean Hannity, “America’s most sensitive secrets were floating around.”

But both sides were wrong.

The truth is, the word, “classified” means little. Our bloated government now classifies three things every second.

If you stacked up all the classified paper in Washington, the stacks would be taller than 26 Washington Monuments.

In my new video, Matthew Connelly, author of “The Declassification Engine,” explains that “as much as bureaucrats know they’re only supposed to classify information that’s really important, they end up classifying all kinds of nonsense. … Even like telling a friend, ‘Let’s go have coffee.’ They’ll end up classifying that email as top-secret.” 

Former CIA Director Mike Hayden once got a classified email saying “Merry Christmas.” 

For years, government classified how much peanut butter the Army bought. They classified a description of wedding rituals in Dagestan. They even classify newspaper articles. 

They are especially eager to classify dumb things they do, like the Army’s reported experiments testing whether “psychics” could kill people with their eyes. 

“A lot of what the government keeps secret, they keep secret simply because it’s embarrassing,” says Connelly.


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