Saturday, May 20, 2023

Mystery UFO floating over Roswell identified

On Wednesday, Roswell residents reported the sighting of a blimp-looking unidentified flying object. It has now apparently been identified as an airship called a high-altitude platform station (HAPS) from the company Sceye, which specializes in strengthening broadband signals and monitoring environmental activity. These blimps are filled with helium.

It turns out the company has a hangar in Roswell. 

The Roswell Daily Record reported last December, “Sceye, established in 2014, has facilities in Moriarty and a hangar and other work sites at the Roswell Air Center. According to its JTIP funding request, it now employs about 38 people. In June, one of the HAPS launched from Roswell successfully reached the stratosphere using solar and battery power, a demonstration of the capacity of the HAPS to reach that altitude and to stay in one area for months at a time. According to the company, Sceye is ‘on track to expand internet access to remote populations, monitor greenhouse gases down to individual emitters and detect natural disasters as they begin.’”...more

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