Friday, September 29, 2023

New Mexico wildlife habitat project seeks to improve 80,000 acres of land

 A plan to improve land within the Carson National Forest has been approved by Jicarilla District Ranger Jim Eaton. The goal is to help rare animals survive on the land.

“The end goal is to improve this part of the forest and encourage the expansion of and use from wildlife species in the area,” Eaton said in a press release. “We especially hope to encourage the federally listed Mexican spotted owl to reoccupy designated critical habitat, as well as see an increase in the presence of numerous other rare species, including the northern goshawk.”

The plan proposes clearing up dead trees that could cause wildfires to burn out of control. The plan also seeks to open portions of the forest and reintroduce low-severity fires to the forest; this would promote a cycle of growth that better matches how the forest grew before humans worked to prevent fires...more

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