Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Sheltering Costs for Rising Numbers of Migrants Hits $7M/Month in Arizona Border Sector


According to a source within CBP, the cost to accommodate the recent spike in migrant encounters in the Tucson Border Patrol Sector is rising rapidly as existing processing facilities reach their capacity. With an operating cost of nearly $7 million each month, one facility in Tucson is undergoing an expansion project to double its capacity to hold migrants. The cost to operate the facility, according to the source, will double as well.

...In August, Border Patrol Agents in the Tucson sector apprehended nearly 49,000 migrants according to unofficial reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas. The number is a more than 160 percent jump from the 18,506 apprehended in August of 2022. The Tucson Sector, according to the unofficial report, led all other southwest border sectors in migrant encounters. Since October, more than 322,000 migrants have been apprehended by Border Patrol agents in the Tucson area, up from 230,000 for the same timeframe in 2022...more

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