Thursday, November 02, 2023

First They Came for the Statues; Now They Are Coming for the Bird Names


Did you know that the George Floyd riots are linked to bird names?

I didn’t until NPR informed me of the fact in this story about how the American Ornithological Society is moving to rename any bird with a name associated with humans.

This is how far social justice has dipped into the nearly dry well of oppression.

Get ready to say goodbye to a lot of familiar bird names, like Anna’s Hummingbird, Gambel’s Quail, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Bewick’s Wren, Bullock’s Oriole, and more.

That’s because the American Ornithological Society has vowed to change the English names of all bird species currently named after people, along with any other bird names deemed offensive or exclusionary.

“Names have power and power can be for the good or it can be for the bad,” says Colleen Handel, the society’s president and a research wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska. “We want these names to be powerful in a really good way.”

The move comes as part of a broader effort to diversify birding and make it more welcoming to people of all races and backgrounds.


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