Monday, November 27, 2023

Lawsuit filed against Pecos residents for illegal river barriers


It's a place for camping, fishing, and peace of mind. However, the attorney general is filing a lawsuit against certain residents for illegal activity.

Pecos is filled with camping grounds and waterways, but those enjoying the area say there are a number of eye sores popping up near sources of water like the Pecos River.

"Unfortunately, we continue to have a number of landowners across different communities that have erected these barriers," Attorney General Raul Torrez said.

These are barriers he said are illegal to erect. In October, Torrez filed a lawsuit against landowners accused of threatening people trying to enjoy the river in public spaces.

"They have to respect the law," Torrez said. "They have to respect the constitution, and they have to make sure that everyone in our community has access to public waters."

"The barrier that we identified in the lawsuit is probably one of the most egregious examples that we have in the state, but it's certainly not the only one. We have reports of landowners across the state engaging in this," Torrez said.

So what is this? We have a NM public official lecturing private citizens on having respect for the law and for the constitution?

Is this a great example of how we have a bass akwards political system in NM? Does bobcat sign smell bad? Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back? Yes, it is a great example!

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