Saturday, November 11, 2023

Hunter applied to receive Idaho funds to kill wolves. Ranchers say they never signed on


This fall, Idaho’s Wolf Depredation Control Board received a proposal to spend nearly $50,000 that would be used to kill wolves for two ranches. The proposal was attributed to John Faulkner, the owner of Faulkner Land and Livestock, and a member of the family that owns Flat Top Ranch.

Both ranches reside in Central Idaho’s Wood River Valley, near where wolves were reintroduced to the state in 1995. The proposal said the ranches would work with a predator control company to trap wolves and shoot them from a helicopter — part of a new effort to fund wolf control through contracts with agriculture producers.

The problem? Faulkner and other representatives from both ranches told the Idaho Statesman they were unaware of the proposal, did not want to contract with the board and had not agreed to partner with the predator control company.

Faulkner told the Statesman any proposal made in his name was “a bunch of bulls---.”

The person behind the application was a Nevada-based predator control contractor with a history of trapping violations. Wolf advocates said the company’s owner, Trevor Walch, stood to benefit from tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds...more

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