Saturday, December 02, 2023

Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

Biden’s Department of Justice has slapped a whopping $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc. and the affiliated Transport Management Services LLC, both stellar examples of Tennessee’s robust transportation sector.

The recent decision by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to impose a $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc., a Christian trucking company based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, raises significant concerns about the overreach of federal power and the disregard for the realities faced by businesses in regulating their workforce.

...The DOJ’s action against the Christian trucking company is to penalize them for undertaking due diligence in ensuring its workforce complies with legal standards. This fine seems more like a punitive measure against a company striving to maintain legal integrity in its employment practices...more

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