Saturday, January 20, 2024

BLM proposes major limits to target shooting within Sonoran Desert monument


The Bureau of Land Management announced a proposal Friday to dramatically reduce the area open to recreational target shooting within the Sonoran Desert National Monument.

The BLM proposed an amendment to its resource management plan for the monument to reduce the share of land where recreational target shooting is allowed from about 90% to roughly 1%. Currently, target shooting is permitted on 435,700 acres of the monument, but the amendment would reduce that area to 5,295 of its 486,400 acres, which include parts of Maricopa and Pinal counties.

The proposal comes after years of disagreement between gun groups and conservationists over the BLM’s handling of target shooting at the monument.

The new proposal follows an April 2022 court settlement with conservation groups that ordered the BLM to reconsider whether target shooting should be allowed at the monument and, if so, where it should occur...more

This is for all hunting/shooting groups who support national monument designations.

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