Thursday, January 18, 2024

On Monday more than 12,600 encounters with illegal aliens along the Southwestern border, a record for one day.


On Monday, there were more than 12,600 encounters with illegal aliens along the Southwestern border, a record for one day. It's a record that is not going to last long, and that record of one-day encounters does not include another 4,500 still being processed. 

Agents at Eagle Pass, Texas, are dealing with an unprecedented situation. They are outnumbered 200 to 1.2222

The government has closed three border crossings, much to the chagrin of businesses that depend on cross-border commerce with Mexico. But it's a question of manpower. The border patrol can't process the illegals fast enough or release them quickly enough to control the overwhelming numbers of people crashing the border.

 That's right, sports fans, there are so many people crossing the border illegally that documented people on either side can't legally travel through some ports of entry because they've been shut down.  

...Over half of all illegal migrants apprehended by CBP in the last four years were citizens of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, or Venezuela. Still, in recent years, federal agents have reported hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from other parts of the world, including countries in Europe and Asia. In over a dozen states, the largest share of illegal migrants came to the U.S. from Ukraine, and in nine states, primarily in the Northeast and upper Midwest, most illegal migrants were Canadian citizens. (Here is a look at the countries where at least half the population wants to move away.)


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