Monday, February 12, 2024

Spain sets up ranger patrol to protect villages from massive bears that were once nearly extinct


Spain’s Iberian brown bear population, which was once almost extinct, has made such a strong recovery that a ranger patrol was set up to deter them from roaming into small villages in the country’s north.

The regional government of Castile and Leon arranged for the patrol, which consists of nine rangers, to guard residents and their crops in the mining town of Villablino and the surrounding area, in the province of Palencia, according to a report.

Their mission is to keep the endangered ursines secure and healthy, while enabling human residents to coexist with them.

If locals spot a bear, which can weigh from 330 to 550 pounds and stand over 6.5 feet tall, they are asked to keep calm and call the rangers’ 24-hour phone line for assistance.

The rangers, armed with radios, rubber ball shotguns and tracking devices, fire warning shots in order to clear the animals from villages...more

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